To operate an electricity distribution network and provide electricity connection services in the ACT, a utility must be licensed under the Utilities Act 2000. An overview of the regulatory obligations placed on licensed utilities can be found on the Utilities Licensing page. Industry codes which apply to electricity distributors are available on the Legislation page.
Evoenergy is licensed to provide electricity distribution and connection services in the ACT. A copy of the licence is available here.
Electricity retailers are predominantly regulated by the Australian Energy Retailer (AER) under the National Energy Retail Law. Please go to the National Energy Customer Framework page for more information.
Electricity retailers must also adhere to ACT industry codes, such as the Consumer Protection Code. Industry codeswhich apply to electtricity retailers are available on the Legislation page.
Price Regulation of Electricity Supply
Under the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Act 1997 (ICRC Act), a referring authority may give the Commission a reference to investigate and determine the price of retail electricity in the ACT.
Price investigations are governed by Part 3 of the ICRC Act. The Commission must conduct an investigation in accordance with the terms of reference and invite public submission. The Commission is required to publish a draft report and price direction. The draft report must be open to submissions from the public and any submission received must be taken into consideration by the Commission in its preparation of a final report.
At the end of a price investigation, the Commission must determine the level of prices. This determination is called a price direction. The Commission must make a price direction in accordance with the requirements of Part 4 of the ICRC Act.
The Commission currently only regulates the price for the supply of electricity to small customers in the ACT purchased from ActewAGL Retail.