The ICRC has released the 2023-24 Utility Licence Annual Report and NERL Retailer Report outlining their performance.
2023-24 Utility licence annual report
Compliance and Enforcement Strategy
After considering stakeholder feedback on its draft, the commission has released its compliance and enforcement strategy.
The commission updated the examples in the guideline to illustrate how to calculate the comparison percentages for time-of-use offers to reflect a representative consumption determination that contains half-hourly usage profiles for time-of-use tariffs.
The commission has released its first monitoring report on the ACT retail electricity market, focusing on retail electricity prices and competition outcomes for residential and small business customers.
On Tuesday 5 November 2024, we released an issues paper as the first step in our review process. Stakeholders are invited to make submissions by Friday 14 February 2025.
The commission announces upcoming reviews for water and sewerage services. In the lead up to the 2028 water and sewerage services price investigation, the commission will undertake a work program that includes two major reviews and two smaller initiatives. Further information can be found in the announcement.
ICRC compliance and enforcement strategy
In advance of new enforcement powers coming into effect in December 2024, the commission has released a draft compliance and enforcement strategy for feedback.
The commission has made determinations for the 2024-25 annual licence fees for licensed utilities and the energy industry levy for utilities and retailers providing electricity and gas services in the ACT. The determinations are now available.
Technical update to the WACC methodology
The commission has updated the methodology for calculating the cost of the debt component of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).
Our Strategic Plan outlines what we plan to do, how we will do our work, and our measures of success from 2024 to 2029.
We have approved an update to the Precinct Map effective 1 July 2024
On 6 June 2024, we released the annual update of regulated water and sewerage services prices for 2024-25. The report sets out the maximum prices that Icon Water can charge customers for the financial year beginning 1 July 2024.
Retail electricity price investigation 2024-27
On 23 May 2024, the commission released its final report and price direction for standing offer prices for the supply of electricity to small customers on ActewAGL’s regulated tariffs from 1 July 2024.
On 8 April 2024, we released our report on how the licensed water and energy utilities performed in delivering safe, reliable and quality services to ACT households and businesses over 2022-23. We also released our report on how well National Energy Retail Law retailers complied against the Consumer Protection Code 2020 (ACT).
Setting electricity prices for the next 3 years
The commission received 3 submissions to the draft report on setting standing offers for retail electricity prices for the next 3 years. We will be releasing our final decision in mid-2024.
We released a draft report and proposed price direction for standing offer prices for the supply of electricity by ActewAGL to small customers for the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027. Submissions on the draft report close on Thursday 29 February 2024.
The commission received 7 submissions to the issues paper on setting electricity prices for the next 3 years. We will be releasing our draft decision and holding a public inquiry in early 2024.
On Wednesday 7 June 2023 we released the annual update of regulated retail electricity prices. From 1 July 2023, ActewAGL’s regulated (standing offer) tariffs will increase, on average, by 4.15%. This is lower than the rate of inflation and represents a decline of 2.7 per cent in real terms.
We have approved an update to the Precinct Map effective 1 July 2023.
Commission determines regulated water and sewerage services prices for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028
Commission determines regulated water and sewerage services prices for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028 On Monday, 1 May 2023, the commission announced its final decision on prices for water and sewerage services to apply in the ACT from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028 on Icon Water’s regulated tariffs.
On 11 April 2023, we released our report on how well the licensed water and energy utilities performed in delivering safe, reliable and quality services to ACT households and businesses over 2021-22. We also released our report on how well National Energy Retail Law retailers complied against the Consumer Protection Code 2020 (ACT).
Variation of Code
Following the decision of the Australian Energy Market Commission to extend the implementation date of the AER Better Bills Guideline to 30 September 2023. The transitional arrangements at clause 3.5 of the ACT Retail Electricity (Transparency and Comparability) Code 2021 will continue until the earlier of a NERL retailer becoming compliant with the AER Guideline or 30 September 2023.
Each year the commission determines the licence fees for utilities trading in the ACT. Please visit our webpage to read more.
As part of the commission’s investigation into prices for water and sewerage services to take effect from 1 July 2023, the commission held a public hearing on 21 November 2022. Information about the public hearing can be found here.
The commission has released a draft report and proposed price direction for regulated water and sewerage services by Icon Water for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.